What We Believe

The Bible’s collection of 66 separate books covers a lot of concepts and issues, and includes history and poetry as well as direct teaching materials.

For us as Christians, we believe it can be summarized into three essential points.  The first two points are generally accepted as utterly inviolable core elements of the Christian faith, and while we also assert the third point to be very important, perhaps it isn’t quite so essential.  As long as you’ve fully accepted the first two points, the rest sort of falls into place from there.

  1. There is only one true God, and that is the Holy Trinity of Almighty God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost as Spirit, revealed to us in the Bible. All other gods are false and to be shunned.  See Isaiah 45:18, Exodus 20:3, Matthew 28:19
  2. All men have sinned and need to repent.  See Romans 3:23. They must seek forgiveness by accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Jesus is the only path to salvation and Heaven.  See John 14:6.
  3. The Bible is the Word of God, with the New Testament in primacy and supplemented by the Old Testament. While men may choose to explain and share their knowledge of the Bible, the Bible’s plain language is the key and ultimate source of all Christian understanding.  See Proverbs 30:5-6.

Please also see the page “Our Guiding Principles” which set out more details of how we feel the Bible informs us about how a good Christian life is best followed.

But don’t stress over it.  As long as you join us in these three core beliefs above, you’ve done “the heavy lifting” already.

Bible verse of the day

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”